4 > $HAYA Tokenomics

Haya Token ( $HAYA ) serves as the lifeblood of the Haya Network, fueling its growth and rewarding participants who contribute to its success. As the native utility token, HAYA is designed to be versatile, offering diverse use cases that drive engagement within the ecosystem.

The total supply of $HAYA is 500 million, distributed as follows:

  • Strategy Sales (10%)

  • Team and advisors (10%)

  • Ecosystem development (35%)

  • Staking rewards and liquidity provision (45%)

🏝️ Token Usage Scenarios

HAYA tokens serve multiple purposes within the Haya ecosystem, including:

🔵 Payment for transaction fees and services within the Haya Network.

🔵 Staking for liquidity provision and yield farming, enabling users to earn passive income.

🔵 Participation in governance decisions, such as voting on protocol upgrades and parameter adjustments.

🔵 Access to exclusive features and services, such as advanced analytics and priority support.

💸 Token Deflation Model

Haya Token adopts a deflationary model with a fixed total supply. This model ensures the scarcity of HAYA tokens, which may increase their value over time. The following mechanisms contribute to the gradual scarcity of HAYA tokens:

🔵 Token burning through transaction fees: A portion of transaction fees within the Haya Network is burned, removing HAYA tokens from circulation.

🔵 Continuous repurchases: The Haya treasury continuously repurchases HAYA tokens from the open market, further reducing the total supply.

🥁 Token Distribution

The HAYA token distribution is designed to ensure a fair and sustainable ecosystem. The distribution includes:

🔵 Strategy sales: A portion of the total supply is allocated for strategy sales, providing early adopters and investors with HAYA tokens.

🔵 Team and advisors: A portion of the total supply is allocated to the Haya team and advisors, incentivizing their contributions to the ecosystem.

🔵 Ecosystem development: A portion of the total supply is allocated to the Haya treasury, used for ecosystem development, marketing, and partnerships.

🔵 Staking rewards and liquidity provision: A portion of the total supply is allocated for staking rewards and liquidity provision, incentivizing users to participate in the ecosystem.

👏 Token Allocation and Vesting

To ensure a stable and sustainable ecosystem, HAYA tokens are subject to vesting schedules. This approach promotes long-term commitment and alignment with the Haya Network's vision:

🔵 Strategy sale tokens are subject to vesting schedules, preventing immediate sell-offs and promoting long-term holding.

🔵 Team and advisor tokens are subject to vesting schedules, aligning their interests with the long-term success of the Haya Network.

🔵 Ecosystem development tokens are subject to vesting schedules, ensuring the Haya treasury's funds are used responsibly and sustainably.

In summary, Haya Token (HAYA) is the native utility token of the Haya Network, designed to facilitate ecosystem growth and incentivize participation. With a deflationary model, veHaya pledges, and a well-designed token distribution, HAYA tokens are poised to increase in value over time, benefiting all participants in the Haya ecosystem.

Last updated